Wednesday, October 10, 2007

World Heritage site - Swoyambhu Nath Stupa

Swoyambhu Nath Stupa is one of the most popular tourist destination of Nepal. This great Stupa is said to have been built around 250 B.C. in Kathmandu. It is located in a lovely little hillock about 4 km west of Kathmandu city center. It is one of the most fascinating architectural jewels of the world.

The main features of Stupa are:

1) the White dome identifying a spotless pure jewel of Nirvana

2) the Hermika consisting the eyes of Vairochana called 'Eyes of Truth' , watching in all directions

2) a thirteen tiered golden spire in conical shape surmounted on the dome, which symbolize the 13 stages to Salvation.

3) There are five statues of Buddha named Amitabh, Akshyovya, Amoghsiddhi, Vairochan and Ratnasambhav in the Stupa along with four Goddess named Tara, Saptalochani Tara, Mamki Tara and Pandara .

The five elements of life represented in the premise of Swoyambhu Stupa are as following:-

1. Vasupura ( Earth)

2. Nagapura (Serpents, the lord of water)

3. Shantipura or Akashpura ( Sky)

4. Vayupura ( Air)

5. Agnipura ( Fire)

The main entrance of this Stupa is in the east side which consists 360 steps leading all the way to the top of hill where the most venerated Swayambhu Stupa stands. A magnificent view of Kathmandu Valley and the breathtaking panorama of the north eastern Himalayan range can be seen from the top of the hillock.

A temple of Goddess Harati, a protective deity of children, is also there in the Swoyambhu area. Goddess Harati is famous among Nepalese for her power of blessings( like health, peace and prosperity) to devotees.

This holy site in fact is the massive stupa complex ever built in Nepal and whole world. Hundreds of votive shrines and other historical monuments built in and around this stupa speak a lot about the significance and antiquity of this famed stupa.


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