Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Healing Power of Laughter

Laughter is one of the greatest forms of medicine. It is believed that the more we laugh the longer we will live. It is great to try and make other people laugh and feel good inside to improve their mental and spiritual outlook on life. We all should love to laugh.

The old saying that “laughter is the best medicine,” definitely appears to be true when it comes to protecting the heart. The studies have shown that laughter is linked to a healthy function of blood vessels. So start laughing out loud more! Laughter is also a good cardiovascular workout. It increases the activity of the heart and stimulates circulation. In addition, after the laughter subsides, the cardiovascular system goes into a state of relaxation. Joy and happiness have even been found to boost the immune system!

If laughter is the best medicine, how can we bring joy and happiness to others? The best way is to be joyful and happy yourself. If you aren’t feeling particularly joyful or happy, which happens to the best of us from time to time, then find things that you enjoy that would bring you happiness. I know for a fact that God wants us to be joyful and happy twenty-four hours a day!

“Patch Adams” is a film about about a doctor, portrayed by Robin Williams who heals others using laughter. In the movie, he goes to a children’s hospital dressed like a clown and gets all the children there to laugh and be happy. It is based on a true story and Hunter "Patch" Adams is still alive today practicing what he preaches. Its certain that the movie will make all laugh.

What if you can’t find anything to laugh about? Get creative and find ways to bring laughter into the home. Rent some funny movies. Make your own Christian comedy or funny movie. Anyone with a computer and web cam can make a movie. A website Godtube.com has some funny Christian comedies which will really make you laugh. Bring joy and happiness into your life and into the lives of others by being joyful and happy in the Lord.

Some may like to poke fun of the way when one laughs long and loud. Laughing in this way should obviously run in all families (when we get together we never stop laughing, and we aren’t even laughing at anything funny). Is this how God intervenes in our lives to bring us the joy of laughter? I think it is.


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