Sunday, September 30, 2007

Television advertisement

A television advertisement, advert or commercial is a form of advertising in which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are promoted via the medium of. Most commercials are produced by an outside advertising agency and airtime is purchased from a Media Agency or direct from the TV channel or network.

The vast majority of television advertisements today consist of brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes (as well as program-length infomercials). Advertisements of this sort have been used to sell every product imaginable over the years, from household products to goods and services, to political campaigns. The effect of television advertisements upon the viewing public has been so successful and so pervasive that it is considered impossible for a politician to wage a successful election campaign without use of television advertising. Half hours a day in front of the tube, making TV watching one of the most common modern leisure activities. Is it any wonder then that television advertising is also the most powerful form of advertising?

Advertising on television allows you to show and tell a wide audience about your business, product, or service. It allows you to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership. You can show how your product or service works, and how it's packaged so prospective customers will know what to look for at the point of sale. And even if they aren't looking for it, when they see it they might be psychologically reminded of their desire to have it. In advertising, it often takes multiple touch points to effectively influence consumers' purchasing behavior.

Television advertising has been a popular medium for large retailers ever since the television first began to appear in living rooms. With the arrival of cable television came lowered production costs and the opportunity to reach smaller, more geograhically specific markets, making it


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