Sunday, September 30, 2007

JOKES - Laughter, the Best Medicine

James enters kitchen, opens sugar container, looks inside and closes it.
He does this again and again. Why?
Because, his Doctor told him to check sugar level regularly.

Reporter: How does it feel to be a millionaire?
Millionaire: Sad, because I am not a billionaire.

A drunkard got into a taxi and told the driver, "Take me to The Everest Hotel"
The taxi driver: "But we are at the Everest Hotel,we're parked right outside it"
Drunkard: "That's fine then, but next time, don't drive so damn fast!"

Tax Collector: "Why dont you pay your taxes with a smile""
Tax payer: "I would love to , but you insist on money!"

Officer: "Solider, do you have change for a dollar?"
Soldier: " Sure, buddy"
Officer: " Thats's no way to address an officer!. Now, let's try it again. Soldier, do you have change for dollar?"
Solder: "NO SIR!"


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