Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bungee Jump Game - is it Scary?

Bungee jump is a adventurous and little risky game which needs lots of courage for successful performance.

Ways to Jump

  • Body Harness
    The most common ways to attach yourself to the cord are by using a body harness or a leg harness. If the only way of connecting yourself to the cord is a body harness you should have at least a sit harness and a shoulder harness, or a full body harness (see the harnesses section). Jumping with just a sit harness is not recommended.

    If you are jumping with just a body harness you are afforded quite a bit of freedom to move around, you arms and legs are free to flail around. The cord will be attached to a point close to your belly (your center of gravity), making spins and flips easier. As you jump you can do many flips on the way down if the jumpmaster holds the spare cord and releases it when you jump (this is called 'spotting', the jumpmaster being the spotter).

  • Leg Harness
    The leg harness comes in different styles. Some let you jump with just one leg harnessed, but most with both. You should always have a backup harness when using leg harnesses, usually just a normal climbing sit harness. This is especially important if you are to be brought back up to the jump point since being brought up upside down is uncomfortable.

    The leg harness can really give you the feeling of flying and is the best ground rush there is (especially for water touchdowns). While you are rebounding, if you are at the right angle, you can tuck at the top and flip right over for another beautiful swallow dive for your second fall.

    It is important when jumping with a leg harness that when the cord becomes tight your body is facing along the line of the cord, otherwise you will get thrown around quite a bit (and maybe even break your ankles).

  • Arm Harness
    It is possible to jump with a harness on your arms; which is usually just a reglar leg harness. Your arms are not usually used to support your whole body weight, so this could easily lead to dislocated shoulders etc... Jumping with an arm harness is not recommended.

  • Swallow Dive
    By far the best way to jump - just take a nice leap away from the platform, arms stretched out wide and soar like a bird down towards the earth. By the time the cord starts to stretch you should be pointing straight down and the deceleration should be very smooth.

    If you are jumping with just a body harness connected at the front you will need to rotate even more in the air so that when the cord becomes taut you will be facing upwards.

  • Back Dive
    Slightly harder than a swallow dive to get right since many people that try it lean back a little, but end up falling feet first. You must really throw yourself into it so that at the bottom of the fall you are pointing towards the ground. If you are jumping with just a body harness connected at the front you will need to either just drop backwards or rotate even more in the air so that when the cord becomes taut you will be facing upwards again.

  • Railing Jump
    This is most common when jumping off bridges with a railing. Instead of climbing over the railing, you climb onto the railing. Two people stand behind you with their arms up and hands in a fist: By holding onto them you can balance right on the edge of the railing and then jump from there.

  • Top of Cage
    Like a railing jump, but when you jump from a cage below a crane, climb on top of the cage and jump from the top. It really doesn't buy you that much more and the chances of accidents are high.

  • Bat Drop
    You maneuver yourslef so you are hanging upside down with your toes (or someone else) holding you to the jumping platform, then you just drop like a rock straight down.

  • Elevator (aka Pile Driver on Mil. Spec cord)
    Like an inverted bat drop; just jump from the platform with your feet pointing down. When you get to the end of the cord, you will be flipped the right way round. With an all rubber (Euro/Kiwi) cord this is bearable; with Mil. Spec it will almost certainly hurt a lot (hence the Pile Driver name), and you could even break your ankles).

  • Pogo
    When you jump with ankle harnesses, it's possible to end up so that you are standing on your ankle harnesses, holding onto the cord at the end of your jump. Most jumpmasters don't like you touching their cord, so make sure they know you're going to do this. Plus grabbing the cord is always dangerous, if you're lucky, you'll end up with rope burns on your hands. If you're unlucky, you could easily break your arms, wrists or fingers.

  • Thrown
    Instead of jumping, why not get a gang of friends to throw you from the bridge!

  • Water Touchdown
    Many sites are so confident that they can judge how much the cord will stretch that they offer water touchdowns. You jump as normal, but at the bottom you will go into the water. This is best attempted over DEEP water

    The way you jump affects how much the cord will stretch, and whether there is a spotter (someone dropping the cord beside you). If you jump far away from the bridge you will drop less than if you were to jump straight down.

  • Cutaway
    You can be facing forwards or backwards to feel the rush of a cutaway. A piece of webbing is tied to the platform and then to your waist so that you are leaning out at 45 degrees from the platform (you can be facing either up or down at this point). Make sure you are looking straight up or down and NOT at the webbing. The webbing is then slowly cut; eventually it will break, sending you plummeting to the ground. However you won't quite know when it will happen.

  • Tandem
    Two jumpers jump at the same time. This is actually pretty dangerous since it's very easy to bang heads at the bottom or just get tangled up in each other. Plus the weight of two people are not the 'norm' that clubs are used to dealing with so there can always be errors made when selecting cords and harnessing.

    There is also the chance of one person jumping and the other not, but since you're attached the 'chicken' will just get dragged down (and then bang heads at the bottom). This was well documented on video from MTV's Real World.

  • Sandbagging
    This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, and you really shouldn't try it, but I'll explain it here. You jump holding a heavy weight; once you get to the bottom of the drop, you let go of the weight. All of the extra elastic energy the weight put into the cord is now transferred to you, making you fly MUCH higher than the place you jumped from.

    It's important to consider that you will fly back toward what you jumped from, which is usually pretty solid. Hence, you could fly back into the platform at great speed! If you jump from the opposite side of a bridge (opposite to the side the cord is attached) you may bounce back above the bridge (if you are lucky).

    You need to account for your weight and the weight of the sandbag when working out what cord to use. Since subsequent rebounds will be just you (on a cord designed for a heavier weight), they will be pretty harsh. Plus, you must make sure you can hold onto the sandbag until the end of your first drop.

    Some people actually use another person as the 'sandbag'. Dropping the sandbag/person early or late has even more serious consequences in this scenario. As demonstrated on an MTV show where they couldn't hold on the whole way and the sandbag guy dropped early (Bungee'd without the cord) and broke his ribs and arm.

Types of Bungee

  • Bungee Jump
    Just your regular old bungee jump. You jump (perhaps in one of the ways described above) and then rebound several times giving you about 2 to 4 great feelings of weightlessness.

  • Catapult
    This is similar to bungee jumping except that you start on the ground. The cord is stretched away from you; when the cord is stretched you are released from the ground. You shoot up into the air at approximately a gagillion miles per hour, eventually stoping and continuing like you would any normal jump.

    Since the nature of the cord is to pull you towards wherever it is fixed, there is considerable danger that you could shoot into the anchor for the cord (usually a crane cage).

    Catapult is also known as "Reverse Bungee" and "Bungee Rocket".

  • Twin Tower
    Very similar to a catapult, but they have solved the problem of running into the cord anchor. There are two towers, each with a cord leading to you (in between); the cords are stretched, and you are relased. Since both cords are pulling you, you shoot straight up and then bounce around.

    Some places use this technique, but you are strapped into a metal cage, and this requires much stronger bungee cords.

  • Bungee Run
    This isn't 'jumping' per se. The object of bungee running is to run as far away as you can, while a bungee cord pulls you back, eventually you can't pull any more and you give up and get dragged back to where the cord is anchored (as is the way with bungee cords). Usually the bungee run is in a big inflatable (bouncy castle), however it has been known to be right in the middle of a bar with not much to protect you at all.

  • Snow Bungee Canoe
    This is pretty far out there and I'm sure no one really does it, but I found it so hilarious when I learned about it, I had to include it here. I saw it on a TV show in America; it was based on the lives of some mountain rescue people in Colorado I think (kind of like Northern exposure, but based on a mountain rescue team).

    Anyway, these stoner adrenaline junkies hiked all the way upto the top of a mountain, with their bungee cords and a canoe. They attached one end of the cord to the canoe and the other to the top of the mountain. They all climbed into the canoe and shot down the mountain with the cord behind them.

    Upon reaching the end of the stretch of the cord, three of them fell out - leaving one poor sucker in the canoe. Just like sandbagging the extra force in the canoe from the three ejected people shot the canoe and sucker at mach 3 UP the hill. Upon reaching the top, the canoe was still moving at a fair old speed and shot right over the top and when it finally came down it was dangling from the cord on a vertical cliff.

Television advertisement

A television advertisement, advert or commercial is a form of advertising in which goods, services, organizations, ideas, etc. are promoted via the medium of. Most commercials are produced by an outside advertising agency and airtime is purchased from a Media Agency or direct from the TV channel or network.

The vast majority of television advertisements today consist of brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes (as well as program-length infomercials). Advertisements of this sort have been used to sell every product imaginable over the years, from household products to goods and services, to political campaigns. The effect of television advertisements upon the viewing public has been so successful and so pervasive that it is considered impossible for a politician to wage a successful election campaign without use of television advertising. Half hours a day in front of the tube, making TV watching one of the most common modern leisure activities. Is it any wonder then that television advertising is also the most powerful form of advertising?

Advertising on television allows you to show and tell a wide audience about your business, product, or service. It allows you to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership. You can show how your product or service works, and how it's packaged so prospective customers will know what to look for at the point of sale. And even if they aren't looking for it, when they see it they might be psychologically reminded of their desire to have it. In advertising, it often takes multiple touch points to effectively influence consumers' purchasing behavior.

Television advertising has been a popular medium for large retailers ever since the television first began to appear in living rooms. With the arrival of cable television came lowered production costs and the opportunity to reach smaller, more geograhically specific markets, making it

Lord Buddha - the Light of Asia

Nepal is world famous as the birth place of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was born in the Lumbini zone of Nepal in 623 B.C.

The picture in the side is one of the largest statue of Lord Buddha which is established in the central area of Kathmandu.

Lord Buddha is known as the Light of Asia. He is famous for his contribution in the foundation of the fundamental principles of livelihood. Buddhism is followed in most of the Asian countries.

The five principles developed by Lord Buddha is known as "Pancha Sheela". The sermons preached by Lord Buddha identifies the source of suffering and the path towards the cessation of sufferings and the attainment of salvation. The principles are as following:-
1. Never Kill any living beings
2. Always speak truth ( Never lie)
3. Never steal other's assets (Dont be greedy)
4. Maintain pious life with good manners.( Omit luxirious life)
5. Maintain simple life ( No lavishness, no luxury and no drinking)

Important Year , Location and Event related to Lord Buddha:
623 B.C. - Lumbini (Nepal) - Birth
588 B.C. - Bodhgaya(India)- Enlightenment
588 B.C. to 542 B.C. - Saarnath (India)- Preaching of Sermon
543 B.C. - Kushinagar (India) - Death

JOKES - Laughter, the Best Medicine

James enters kitchen, opens sugar container, looks inside and closes it.
He does this again and again. Why?
Because, his Doctor told him to check sugar level regularly.

Reporter: How does it feel to be a millionaire?
Millionaire: Sad, because I am not a billionaire.

A drunkard got into a taxi and told the driver, "Take me to The Everest Hotel"
The taxi driver: "But we are at the Everest Hotel,we're parked right outside it"
Drunkard: "That's fine then, but next time, don't drive so damn fast!"

Tax Collector: "Why dont you pay your taxes with a smile""
Tax payer: "I would love to , but you insist on money!"

Officer: "Solider, do you have change for a dollar?"
Soldier: " Sure, buddy"
Officer: " Thats's no way to address an officer!. Now, let's try it again. Soldier, do you have change for dollar?"
Solder: "NO SIR!"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Marketing lessons

A few weeks ago, I finally got my twin daughters and myself signed up for Tae Kwon Do with Master Yu in Calgary. I have been active in martial arts for years but got out of it 5 yrs ago when I broke an ankle (not broken in martial arts broke it jumping out of the back of a truck with sandals on not smart).Since then, the weight was adding up and I was really missing my martial arts.But I didn't want to go back to the place I used to.
Whyit was too rough for 6 year olds it was Kickboxing and Muay Thai which is quite hard for 6 yr oldstheir teachers were more ring fighters than teachers for kids (Team Canada trained there and they won 90% of their battles across the world as the training was excellent) they only offered 1 kids-only class per weekSo, off I went in search of a new school.
This time though, the girls (my daughters) got to pick. At that age, it is tough to keep them interested so I had to make sure the school and teacher were going to be a good fit for them.The first couple places we went to were awful nasty teachers with no real concept of being a decent human being towards children. While I understand the need for discipline in martial arts there is a point where you draw the line and say enough is enough.Critical, downright nasty statements out of the teacher was enough to scare the girls, and me, away.Then we found Master Yu.He has some excellent marketing techniques in use here:
1. By appointment only. No dropping in to see what they are doing you must book an appointment and stick to your appointment (they called 2 times before to make sure we would be there).
2. Must bring kids and myself not just me as he wanted to meet the kids to see if THEY would be a good fit turning the tables on us, in essence.
3. He let them try some lessons and made it easy and fun
4. He showed them all the other kids in his regular classes (kids have 4 classes a week plus 3 family classes they could go to as well). NOTE: he has (on average) 30-35 kids per class a sign he is doing something right.
5. He explained how they can get different colored
6. He refused to let us sign up for less than a year (too easy to quit after a month or two give it a year and you are hooked)
7. He charges a big premium over others
8. Has a print monthly newsletter
9. He caters to his ideal client (the kids) make it comfortable for them and fun and they are customers for years to
AND, ultimately, he can get their parents in as well!And, YES, he did get us all in and took a sizable donation out of my bank account!The girls LOVE the class (once they are there anyhow, they give me grief getting there, but once there they have a blast! There are also 2 other identical twin girls in the class about the same age, which definitely helps).And I love it as well! Lost some weight already... that in itself is great for a month. My classes are great during the lunch hours there are only a few people in the classes so I end up getting some excellent one-on-one training with black belts.The big lessons I took from his marketing systems:
1. YOU, the business owner, should be the one setting the rules for your clients if they want to do business with you; it is on your terms, not theirs
2. DO NOT make yourself too accessible make them work to do business with you (Dan Kennedy preaches this one religiously)
3. Give a test run something free they can try they can decide if it is for them
4. Make the decision hard enough on the price point, but with ample reasons why a premium price is better
5. Constant communication with students (and, in this case, their parents)
6. Explain all the different offerings (belts) and what it means to you personally
7. Definitely NOT competing on price a no-win battle the market for upper end products and services is THE FASTEST GROWING market segment in North America.Overall, I am really enjoying the martial arts and in watching a master marketer at work! And of course, I will be finding a way to offer him additional marketing help in trade (got to always be looking for opportunities!)Find a few ways to make these lessons work for your business...

The New World of Online Shopping

If you are reading this article than you are either already shopping online or are considering online shopping. Whether you are new at it or not, consider this. An increasing number of people are shopping online rather than fighting traffic and crowds at the busy shopping malls. If you look at the studies and surveys on today’s shopping habits, you will find that purchases at malls has dropped by over 10%, while online purchases have increased by over 10%.

The prediction is that this trend will continue to increase over time. So why is this happening? Why are people spending more time at their computers clicking the mouse and less time driving their gas guzzling, air polluting cars to the malls? Computers have actually brought about a change into a new age; a new age of living, learning, and experiencing more of our universe than ever before. Among these changes is online shopping. If you look at and consider these changes they are quite dramatic. Let’s check out just a few of the differences between shopping at malls vs. online shopping.

Mall ShoppingThe high cost of transportation and gasoline, wear and tear of our cars, big crowds of people, less then friendly sales people, long waits at the checkout, and arranging your schedule to fit into the store hours, not to mention fighting the traffic in and out of the malls under all kinds of weather conditions.. Online ShoppingYou shop at your leisure and at your own pace in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You are completely in charge of the flow of time. You are able to thoroughly research and get all the facts on the product you are going to buy.

You can check out expert opinions, go to forum sites and find out the experiences of others looking at the same product. Then, once you have decided to buy the product, your purchase is just a couple of mouse clicks away. A major concern of online shopping is security. Many new advances in security and technology have changed online shopping to a safer and more attractive choice.

The introduction of new secure technologies along with new privacy laws allowing for safer transfer of your personal data over the web have brought about more confidence for people to shop online. How would you like to shop in Paris, Rome, London, Hong Kong, Sydney; you name it, the shopping world is yours, drive your computer, steer the mouse, it's fast, safe, fun and very convenient. Visit this site,, and begin to experience “The New World of Online Shopping”.

Start a Home Business

There are hundreds of home businesses out there. 95% of them are outright scams. Even the good ones have to be weighed if you ever have a chance of becoming a wealthy marketer from home. Let's look at the different types of programs that exist.MLM � Multi Level Marketing or as I like to call it, Many Losing Money. These are companies like Amway and Melaluca. Their appeal is the residual income carrot. The idea is to create an almost infinite downline. This means when you sign someone up and they sign someone up and so on, you would get a small piece of the revenue for ALL of them. The percentage gets increasingly smaller as you go further down the signup ladder.
The only problem is that most of the products these companies sell are over priced. It's also hard to get excited about a 70 cent commission when your signup buys a roll of toilet paper. The only people that generally get wealthy in MLM are the founders and a few "key" people directly under them. The profits are just so tiny, that you would literally need thousands and thousands of people to join to ever realize any good profit potential.Gifting Programs . For starters, gifting programs are illegal. It is known as a pyramid scheme with the promise of fast cash. The idea is to give someone a $1,000 or so and to sit around and wait to climb to the top of the pyramid so that you can end up being gifted 8 times as well. In this example, you would end up with $8,000.
The problem is that the pyramid board often gets stuck when people can't find new signups. Most people in this plan end up holding the bag.Business Opportunities by Phone � Be very careful about these successful call centers that call you up and claim to have cornered the industry. The allure can be very attractive They will talk about doing everything for you and maybe even making your sales for you too. If it sounds too good to be true� The main problem is that these companies have big overhead. They have to pay for the office space, customer service, and hefty sales commissions.
By the time everything is said and done, there is typically very little money left to go around for any effective marketing. They can set you up for a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. They will encourage you to advertise at your own expense and to use their toll free number in the ad. They will make the sale for you, but the problem is they will keep the commission for you too. Their sale tracking is conveniently under their control. And you have virtually no way of proving you had any sales. I know many people who have got sucked into this. They had spent thousands to receive a return of only a few hundred dollars in a 6 month period. They became unwealthy marketers.Aussie 2-up plans .
A few companies would be EDC Gold, Passport2Wealth, and Roadmap to Riches, These opportunities are a better solution and some people have made good money with them. Their products sell from $500 to $1,500 on average. Once you buy it from a "sponsor", you receive the right to resell the product and make the same commission your sponsor did for selling it to you. These programs have two serious major flaws though. The first two sales you make go to your sponsor. Naturally, this motivates your sponsor to help you get your first two sales. But, once that is done, your sponsor ends up becoming your competitor. He has NO motivation, and NO more compensation potential from you. So, you lose the money on your first two sales, and your sponsor becomes impossible to ever reach because he is off trying to make other sales. He hopes you never call him again because you are now financially useless to him.
This is the best type of home business we have found. These plans are new to the industry and they encompass the best of both worlds approach. These plans have a product which sells for $500 to $2,500. Once you buy the product from your sponsor, you have the right to resell the product as well. You would make money from the very first sale, not the 3rd sale in these plans. These plans have 2 additonal revenues streams. Your sponsor will be financially motivated to help get you off the grround becuase he/she will still make a few hundred dollars on every sale you make, not just the first two. When your signup makes a sale, your sponsor still makes a hundred dollars or so on that sale. Those are the two tiers.
This is a good thing and encompasses a small degree of multi level marketing. Since there are only two tiers, the commissions are still good. When your sponsor has the opportunity to make $200 or so off of ALL of your future sales, he/she is truly motivated to continually help you and support you. This is vital because when you're new to a home business you will need all of the help you can get especially when it comes to advertising your business. You can become a wealthymarketer in these types of businesses.People from all walks of life have found success in these programs.
Top earners in this industry make over $100,000 a month consistently. Don't expect to do that coming out of the gate, but with time you can build a work at home empire. Making $3,000 a week or more is not uncommon in this industry. Picking the program with the most benefits is in your best interest. You want to have the best compensation plan and a real product to market. You also want to have as many things in your favor when you get started.Great Compensation Plan + Good Product + Large Market + Effective Advertising = Success plan for a wealthy marketer.

Life settlement agent makes life easy

Life settlement schemes and programs are gaining popularity day by day by loan seekers, insurance agents, financial planners, estate planners, elder law attorneys, and other financial professionals. It is a quick way to receive money after selling an under performing or a costly life insurance policy through a life settlement agent. One gets confuse while selling a life insurance policy because of lack of knowledge on life settlement agent.
However, with the insurance industry’s evolution, finding a life settlement agent has become easier. A life settlement agent can assist with various tools like marketing, educational and evaluation materials. In fact, a good life settlement agent is one with appropriate knowledge on the life settlement product. As one is aware, that each life settlement case is looked differently and the factors that are considered during the sale depend on the age and health of an insured person. The amount of loan is also determined on various factors, such as policy size, premium amount, and current cash value, if any. A life settlement agent provides help in getting these formalities done perfectly
However, life settlement agent will further procure some qualification or evaluation forms that will actually determine if a settlement would be available for that specific individual or not.Though it is also true, that life settlements being a new concept is not understood well by some of the professionals, hence, it is important for these professionals to take the time to learn about life settlements so that in return they can relay this information to their clients. In fact, many policy owners do not understand the intricacies involved and this can further make things difficult and impossible.
Some of them are also not aware of the fact that there could be a cash settlement available for a life insurance policy that they are surrendering or is going to lapse. Hence, it is equally important for the policy holders to get as detailed information as they can through online or their life settlement agents. One can say that it is a responsibility of a life settlement agent to take the correct marketing and education steps to reach those in need. A life settlement agent can thus create added financial benefits for both the client and the financial professional.In fact, a life settlement agent can also create effective methods of marketing life settlements in a form of presentations, seminars, and client newsletters.
Well, it has been noticed that there has also been increase with direct mailing either a client base or demographic base fitting the life settlement parameters. A life settlement agent can be hired from any of the leading insurance companies or brokerage firms. Hence, it is additionally advisable to check the credentials of a firm from where life settlement agent is being hired and an open discussion should be held on the benefits and drawbacks of the formalities. After all, it is your life that you are exchanging to get a hassle free life. However, with the help of a life settlement agent, it becomes easy to live.William Regal is an expert in dealing with life settlement. If you have any queries about life settlement,

Nokia N95 – Fully Loaded

The Nokia N95 is sure one of the most impressive handsets that have been introduced to the mobile market. Such is the popularity of the handset that it has now been termed as the king of the N series. True, the handset is not a perfect substitute for a computer, but is indeed loaded with many good features to make it stand tall amongst its competitors. The handset is suited for all - regular user, a business man and a high-end user. The Nokia N95 is packed with many goodies. Its highlights being – 5 MP camera, GPS navigation system, 3G, music player and many PIM features. And yes a unique slider mechanism.
The handset comes with a two-way slider mechanism. On sliding the phone up, it reveals the well laid out keypad for standard phone applications, while on sliding the handset down, it reveals the multimedia keys. Unlike the other phones in the market, the handset is not slim and shiny, but is rather stocky in appearance. Further, there are short keys for quick access and user friendly 5 way navigation key makes browsing more easy and hassle free.
The Nokia N95 is powered by 3G and is the first device in the genre of N series to include HSDPA technology. This offers the benefits of fast connectivity, downloading, and enhanced multimedia experience. For connectivity, the Nokia N95 comes with USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Infrared, GSM, WCDMA, HSDPA and WLAN. The device runs on S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1. One of the most talked about feature of Nokia N95 is its whooping 5 MP camera.
The camera used Carl Zeiss optics and loaded with many options to customise and edit. Camera options now include 4 ISO settings, contrast and sharpness adjustment, and an enhanced burst mode. The GPS (global positioning system) of Nokia N95 is also a feature worth a notice. Carly charu is an expert author and the webmaster of Mobile Phone Deals .The website having details of Mobile Phone Accessories and Sim Free Phones

Costs Associated with Owning a Condo Hotel

Condo hotels have many of the same costs that you would find with the purchase of any other form of real estate. Typically, you have three costs. You have your monthly mortgage payment, yearly property taxes, and monthly Homeowner Association Dues (HOA’s).Your monthly mortgage for a condo hotel will operate in the same manner as a mortgage you might have for the residence in which you currently reside. You obtain a loan, agree to all conditions and promise to make monthly payments, and then you make your monthly mortgage payments until the loan is resolved. That’s it.
Just remember, condo hotel loans are not saleable to Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae and therefore carry slightly higher rates and stricter loan qualification terms.In almost all circumstance, yearly property taxes will be the exact same for a condo hotel as they will be for traditional real estate in the same area. For example, if property taxes are 1.2% for a single family home, in all likelihood, the property taxes for a condo hotel in that same location will be 1.2%.
Every condo hotel will have HOA dues. In addition, most condo hotels also have master association dues. These expenses will be assessed to all unit owners on a monthly basis. The best part about condo hotel HOA dues is that they cover nearly everything. HOA’s will typically cover all utilities: electricity, air conditioning, water, etc. Most importantly, most HOA’s also cover the room reserves. This means it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever be faced with an unexpected cost that you’ll have to pay for out of pocket.
Other items covered by HOA’s are ground maintenance and common area maintenance.All in all, condo hotels have all the costs that you would expect to find. The fees of ownership vary only slightly from what you would find with traditional real estate. Of course, owners of traditional real estate rarely have an HOA that covers all utilities and reserves for home repair.