Thursday, October 11, 2007

One-Horned Rhinoceros- Asset of Nepal

Rhinoceros unicornis is one-horned rhinoceros commonly found only in South Asia and South East Asia. Today, no more than 2,000 remain in the wild, with only two populations containing more than 100 rhinos: Kaziranga Nation al Park in Assam, India and Chitwan National Park (CNP), Nepal.

History of Rhino Conservation in Nepal

In Nepal, the rhino population was estimated at ca. 1,000 in the Chitwan valley until 1950. After 1950, Thousands of people came down from the mid-hills and large swathes of wildlife habitat was cleared for human settlements, agriculture and other development activities. This not only destroyed the forest but also affected the wildlife population. Some Rhinos were lost due to human such as poaching and some due to natural causes such as flooding, fighting, predation and age. This affected mainly rhinos and as a result, the rhino population dropped to less than 100.

Chitwan National Park (CNP) is the main habitat of Rhino. CNP was later extended to encompass a total area of 932 sq km and was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1984 for its high biological diversity.

After the successful effort of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC), the declining rhino population began to gradually increase. The CNP demonstrated that the population can rebound vigorously when sufficient habitat and protection are provided. It is an example of a population that was almost on the verge of extinction that has recovered in huge extent while still maintaining a high genetic diversity.

Rhino- Center of Tourist attraction in Chitwan National Park
One horned Rhino is one of the most important assets of Nepal's diversified forest because Chitwan National Park has become popular worldwide as an important Tourist Destination due to tourists coming to view Rhino there.

Is E-BANKING risky?

E-Banking is defined as the automated delivery of new and traditional banking products and services directly to customers through electronic, interactive communication channels. E-banking includes the systems that enable financial institution customers, individuals or businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products and services through a public or private network, including the Internet.

Customers access e-banking services using an intelligent electronic device, such as a personal computer (PC), personal digital assistant (PDA), automated teller machine (ATM), kiosk, or Touch Tone telephone.

While the risks and controls are similar for the various e-banking access channels, this booklet focuses specifically on Internet-based services due to the Internet’s widely accessible public network.

Some risks in E-Banking are given below:

Transaction/Operations risk arises from fraud, processing errors, system disruptions, or other unanticipated events resulting in the institution’s inability to deliver products or services. This risk exists in each product and service offered. The level of transaction risk is affected by the structure of the institution’s processing environment, including the types of services offered and the complexity of the processes and supporting technology.

CREDIT RISK: Generally, a financial institution’s credit risk is not increased by the mere fact that a loan is originated through an e-banking channel. However, management should consider additional precautions when originating and approving loans electronically, including assuring management information systems effectively track the performance of portfolios originated through e-banking channels.

LIQUIDITY, INTEREST RATE, PRICE/MARKET RISKS: Funding and investment-related risks could increase with an institution’s e-banking initiatives depending on the volatility and pricing of the acquired deposits. The Internet provides institutions with the ability to market their products and services globally. Internet-based advertising programs can effectively match yield-focused investors with potentially high-yielding deposits. But Internet-originated deposits have the potential to attract customers who focus exclusively on rates and may provide a funding source with risk characteristics similar to brokered deposits.

COMPLIANCE/LEGAL RISK: Compliance and legal issues arise out of the rapid growth in usage of e-banking and the differences between electronic and paper-based processes. E-banking is a new delivery channel where the laws and rules governing the electronic delivery of certain financial institution products or services may be ambiguous or still evolving.

STRATEGIC RISK: A financial institution’s board and management should understand the risks associated with e-banking services and evaluate the resulting risk management costs against the potential return on investment prior to offering e-banking services. Poor e-banking planning and investment decisions can increase a financial institution’s strategic risk. Early adopters of new e-banking services can establish themselves as innovators who anticipate the needs of their customers, but may do so by incurring higher costs and increased complexity in their operations.

REPUTATION RISK: An institution’s decision to offer e-banking services, especially the more complex transactional services, significantly increases its level of reputation risk.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

World Heritage site - Swoyambhu Nath Stupa

Swoyambhu Nath Stupa is one of the most popular tourist destination of Nepal. This great Stupa is said to have been built around 250 B.C. in Kathmandu. It is located in a lovely little hillock about 4 km west of Kathmandu city center. It is one of the most fascinating architectural jewels of the world.

The main features of Stupa are:

1) the White dome identifying a spotless pure jewel of Nirvana

2) the Hermika consisting the eyes of Vairochana called 'Eyes of Truth' , watching in all directions

2) a thirteen tiered golden spire in conical shape surmounted on the dome, which symbolize the 13 stages to Salvation.

3) There are five statues of Buddha named Amitabh, Akshyovya, Amoghsiddhi, Vairochan and Ratnasambhav in the Stupa along with four Goddess named Tara, Saptalochani Tara, Mamki Tara and Pandara .

The five elements of life represented in the premise of Swoyambhu Stupa are as following:-

1. Vasupura ( Earth)

2. Nagapura (Serpents, the lord of water)

3. Shantipura or Akashpura ( Sky)

4. Vayupura ( Air)

5. Agnipura ( Fire)

The main entrance of this Stupa is in the east side which consists 360 steps leading all the way to the top of hill where the most venerated Swayambhu Stupa stands. A magnificent view of Kathmandu Valley and the breathtaking panorama of the north eastern Himalayan range can be seen from the top of the hillock.

A temple of Goddess Harati, a protective deity of children, is also there in the Swoyambhu area. Goddess Harati is famous among Nepalese for her power of blessings( like health, peace and prosperity) to devotees.

This holy site in fact is the massive stupa complex ever built in Nepal and whole world. Hundreds of votive shrines and other historical monuments built in and around this stupa speak a lot about the significance and antiquity of this famed stupa.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Contact lens- A substitution for Eye Glass

A contact lens (also known simply as a "contact") is a corrective, cosmetic or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. Modern contact lenses were invented by the Czech chemist Otto Wichterle.

Contact lenses usually serve the same corrective purpose as conventional glasses, but are lightweight and virtually invisible — many commercial lenses are tinted a faint blue to make them more visible when immersed in cleaning and storage solutions. Some cosmetic lenses are deliberately colored for altering the appearance of the eye.

People choose to wear contact lenses for various reasons. Some are listed below:

  • Many consider their appearance to be more attractive with contact lenses than with glasses.
  • Contact lenses are less affected by wet weather, do not steam up, and provide a wider field of vision.
  • They are more suitable for a number of sporting activities.

Types of Contact lenses

Corrective contact lenses

A corrective contact lens is a lens designed to improve vision. In many people, there is a mismatch between the refractive power of the eye and the length of the eye, leading to a refractiion error. A contact lens neutralizes this mismatch and allows for correct focusing of light onto the retina. retina. Conditions correctable with contact lenses include near (or short) sightedness (myopia), far (or long) sightedness, etc.

Cosmetic contact lenses

A cosmetic contact lens is designed to change the appearance of the eye. These lenses may also correct the vision, but some blurring or obstruction of vision may occur as a result of the color or design. Theatrical contact lenses are a type of cosmetic contact lens that are used primarily in the entertainment industry to make the eye appear pleasing, unusual or unnatural in appearance, most often in horror and zombie movies. These lenses have been used by Ray Park as Darth Maul and Ian McDiarmid as Darth Sidious in Star Wars. Other frequent wearers of contact lenses include Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Naomi Campbell, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Therapeutic contact lenses

Soft lenses are often used in the treatment and management of non-refractive disorders of the eye. A bandage contact lens protects an injured or diseased cornea from the constant rubbing of blinking eyelids thereby allowing it to heal. Contact lenses that deliver drugs to the eye have also been developed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mobile phones hit by virus

A new virus “Timofonica” worm has been identified which sends unwanted e-mails to mobile phones. The virus originated in Spain and sends an e-mail message in Spanish . It appears to have been developed as a protest against Spain’s telecom giant, Telefonica.

The Timofonica virus (a play on the company’s name - the word “Timo” means ‘trick’ in Spanish), e-mails mobile phones connected to Spain’s Movistar mobile phone network, according to anti-virus companies based in Russia and Finland which identified the virus.

The worm spreads by using Microsoft Outlook to send itself to all addresses in an address book, and for each infected message sent it also sends a message to a randomly generated telephone number at the Movistar’s web site. That address is an SMS (Short Message Service) gateway that sends SMS messages to mobile phones.

The message sent to mobile phones translates as “Note: Telefonica is cheating you.” The message sent to other Outlook users further criticises Telefonica and asks recipients to open the attachment for more information. Opening the attachment then triggers the spread of the virus.

The anti-virus companies say they believe Timofonica is the first virus to attack mobile phones, although it does not spread through phones.

In the recent Love Bug virus, there were concerns in the West following the realisation that there were no laws in the Philippines (where the Bug originated) suited to prosecuting a person responsible for a computer virus. However, it is not clear that a person attacking mobile phone systems can be prosecuted in the West under laws which were designed with the computer hacker in mind (although this particular virus is only spread by computer systems, not phones).

In the UK, the Computer Misuse Act would normally be used to proseucte a person responsible for a computer virus. The Act leaves open the interpretation of the word "computer" for the courts to decide. While most would argue that more complex mobiles are a form of computer, the lack of definition does leave the issue open to debate.

If mobile viruses become an issue, and the responsible individual is found, it might be possible for a company in Telefonica’s position to sue for defamation, but this may not be financially viable if the individual is not worth suing. Individuals receiving such messages to their phones might also argue that a company in Movistar’s position is negligent in failing to block the unwanted messages.

Tourist Adventures in Nepal

Nepal is a country full of adventures for Tourist. Many types of adventures are available in many places of Nepal. Some important ones are listed below:

1) Trekking (in the mountains like Langtang, Annapurna, Everest)
2) River Rafting ( in the rivers like Trishuli, Bhote Koshi, Sun Koshi, Kali Gandaki, Seti,
Marshyandi, Karnali, Tamor, Arun)
3) Jungle Safari ( in the forest like Chitwan, Bardia, Koshi Tappu, Rara forest)
4) Peak climbing(in the peaks like Mera, Pachermo, Chulu East,Singu Chuli, Humchuli, Chulu
West, Kusum Kanguru, Island, Lobuche, Pisang, Kwande, Ramdung, Paldor, Khongma)
5) Mountaineering ( in the mountains like Everest, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu,
Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Annapurna, Nuptse, Amadablam, Pumari)
6) Ultralight Aircraft(A small light weight airplane with an engine, which helps to fly in the
sky including cloud just like a bird.
7) Bungy Jump ( the world's third highest Bungy Jump in the gorge over Bhote Koshi River)
8) Paragliding and Parahawking (A Paraglider is a light non motorized foot launched
inflatable wing, which is launched into the sky from a gentle slope facing into the wind;
Parahawking is an art of training birds to fly along side paragliders, leading them to thermals
and performing tricks.
9) Mountain Flight(Wandering in the sky to observe the himalaya,natural serenity,beautiful
mountains, valleys, large open clear sky, lush flora and fauna of the valley)

10) Mountain Biking (biking on long, hilly rides out on the valley rim or just explore the many
temples and Newari villages in the lower valley)

11) Golf Holidays (in Gokarna Golf, Nepal Golf, Yeti Golf)
12) Boat Ride(in refreshing lakes proffering clear sparkling blue water like Phewa, Begnas, etc) 13) Canyoning (Traverse through dense jungle, over deep pools, river and down rocky walls
and water falls)

14) Sightseeing ( Visiting various places including religious, historical, natural and cultural
15) Heli Tours(travel in the sky of Everest flying in a Helicopter)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Popular tourist destination in Nepal

Nepal is famous worldwide due to having diversified features in the diversifed region. Nepal consists of three regions, Himalayan regions in north side, Mountainious region in central side and Terai region in south side. These diversifed regions consists various cultural and religious places along with natural resources such as snowy mountains, splendid mountain scenery, green forest, green plains, valleys, rivers, lakes, etc. Nepal is considered as one of the most alluring countries in the world. In short, Nepal is an all round adventure paradise.

Some must-see places in Nepal are as following:

Kathmandu is known as the home to temples and rich cultural heritage. It is also the home of the ancient and sophisticated Newari culture. The must-see places in Kathmandu are Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swayambhu Nath Stupa, Pashupati Nath Temple, Boudha Nath Stupa and many others.
Patan is known as the city of fine arts, full of Hindu temples and Buddhist monuments. The most impressive focal point is Patan Durbar Square full of ancient places, temples and shrines.
Bhaktapur is famous for woodcarving and the Bhadgaolen topi or cap. It is also renowned of its myriad wonders of cultural and artistic achievements. The most famous picture of this area is Bhaktapur Durbar Square, The place of 55 windows, the Lion Gate, etc.
Kirtipur is famous for the cultural and religious heritages. The main places are: Bag Bhairav temple, Lokeshore temple, etc. The oldest and largest university of Nepal "Tribhuwan University" is also located in Kirtipur.
Lumbini is the birth place of Siddhartha Gautam who was later known as Lord Gautam Buddha. It is one of the most significant pilgrimage destinations located in the southern Terai plains of Nepal. Asoka pillar,Maya Devi Temple, Scared Garden, many stupas are some famous places.
Nagarkot is famous for the best views of the Himalayan Ranges in Nepal including Mount Everest. It offers the view of Dhaulagiri in the west to Kanchenjunga in the east. The sunrise and sunset can be viewed over the Himalayas. It contains a large number of Hotels.
Sundarijal is famous for its scenic beauty. In Sundarijal you will observe the magnificent waterfalls, cataracts and rock formations. It is an ideal picnic spot, just a short hike away from the motor able road.
Dhulikhel is a beautiful place famous for the best views of the Himalayan ranges. Kathmandu University, the first private university of Nepal is situtated here. Many tourists take early morning trips to Dhulikhel to see the awesome over the mountains.
Daman is the best place to see the panoramic view of the entire Himalayan ranges visible from central Nepal. During autumn it would be interesting to visit here. Daman is famous for the snow falls.
Namobuddha is popular one day trekking destination from Dhulikhel, situated on the hill above Panauti. It has fascinating stupa of Buddha. This is the enjoyable trek during monsoon season.
Phulchowki is a good spot for hiking. There is a Buddhist shrine situated on the top of the hill. It is a natural garden of white and red roses, yellow jasmine, iris and other native flowers. Views of the Himalayas as well as the valley are excellent from here.
Nagarjun is the best place on the top of which there is a stunning Buddhist shrine which is very holy for both Hindu and Buddhist. From the top you can have the panoramic view of the Himalayan ranges can be seen.
It is the top most place in Nepal and a most popular summer resort in western Nepal. It has the most extensive views of the country’s major attraction, the Himalaya from Dhaulagiri in the west to Gaurishankar in the northeast.
It is the birth place of great king of Nepal Prithvi Narayan Shah, the founder of modern Nepal. Gorkha Palace, temples of Gorakhnath and Kali are some attractions. It is historically important place.
Pokhara, an enchanting natural paradise proffers a heavenly beauty and serenity for the inquisitive travelers. It is the home of a number of lakes, including the most renowned, Phewa Lake. In the middle of the lake the temple of goddess Barahi is situated. Boating and fishing are the major charm of Phewa Lake. The valley surrounding Pokhara is a home to thick forests, gushing rivers, clear lakes and the world famous views of the Himalaya.
It is one of the most famous and popular pilgrimages sites in Nepal. The goddess Manakamana is widely believed to have the power to fulfill wishes of her devotees. A cable car has recently connected with Kurintar on the Kathmandu Pokhara Highway, which has made the temple easily accessible.
The main attractionin Chitwan is Royal Chitwan National Park, one of the finest National parks in Asia. The park is the home to more than 500 Asian one-horned rhinoceros and Royal Bengal Tigers. This is also the home to around 600 plant species, 50 mammals, 526 birds and 49 amphibians and reptiles. For jungle safari Royal Chitwan National park is famous. Here you will travel through open grassland and dense forest on elephant back and while doing this you will come across different wild animals including rhinos, different kind of deer’s, wild boars, and in rare cases, tigers.
Janakpur is a great religious place and is famous as the birthplace of Sita, the consort of Lord Ram. In Janakpur you will see an artistic marble temple of sita which is popularly known as “Janaki Manddir” and also known as Naulakha Mandir.

The Healing Power of Laughter

Laughter is one of the greatest forms of medicine. It is believed that the more we laugh the longer we will live. It is great to try and make other people laugh and feel good inside to improve their mental and spiritual outlook on life. We all should love to laugh.

The old saying that “laughter is the best medicine,” definitely appears to be true when it comes to protecting the heart. The studies have shown that laughter is linked to a healthy function of blood vessels. So start laughing out loud more! Laughter is also a good cardiovascular workout. It increases the activity of the heart and stimulates circulation. In addition, after the laughter subsides, the cardiovascular system goes into a state of relaxation. Joy and happiness have even been found to boost the immune system!

If laughter is the best medicine, how can we bring joy and happiness to others? The best way is to be joyful and happy yourself. If you aren’t feeling particularly joyful or happy, which happens to the best of us from time to time, then find things that you enjoy that would bring you happiness. I know for a fact that God wants us to be joyful and happy twenty-four hours a day!

“Patch Adams” is a film about about a doctor, portrayed by Robin Williams who heals others using laughter. In the movie, he goes to a children’s hospital dressed like a clown and gets all the children there to laugh and be happy. It is based on a true story and Hunter "Patch" Adams is still alive today practicing what he preaches. Its certain that the movie will make all laugh.

What if you can’t find anything to laugh about? Get creative and find ways to bring laughter into the home. Rent some funny movies. Make your own Christian comedy or funny movie. Anyone with a computer and web cam can make a movie. A website has some funny Christian comedies which will really make you laugh. Bring joy and happiness into your life and into the lives of others by being joyful and happy in the Lord.

Some may like to poke fun of the way when one laughs long and loud. Laughing in this way should obviously run in all families (when we get together we never stop laughing, and we aren’t even laughing at anything funny). Is this how God intervenes in our lives to bring us the joy of laughter? I think it is.